Suku Sunda adalah kelompok etnis yang berasal dari bagian barat pulau Jawa, Indonesia, dari Ujung Kulon di ujung barat pulau Jawa hingga sekitar Brebes (mencakup wilayah administrasi propinsi Jawa Barat, Banten, sebagian DKI Jakarta, dan sebagian Jawa Tengah. Bahasa yang digunakan oleh suku ini adalah bahasa Sunda. (ti wikipedia)
"The Sundanese are an ethnic group native to the western part of the Indonesian island of Java. They number approximately 31 million. The Sundanese are predominantly Muslim.
The Sundanese have traditionally been concentrated in the provinces of West Java, Banten and Jakarta, and the western part of Central Java. The provinces of Central Java and East Java are home to the Javanese, Indonesia's largest ethnic group.
Sundanese culture has borrowed much from Javanese culture, however it differs by being more overtly Islamic, and has a much less rigid system of social hierarchy" (sami... ti wikipedia)
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